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Don’t make this one mistake when scheduling an induction massage


It is recommended to begin working with your Arvigo® practitioner as soon as possible to provide you and your baby with the maximum benefits these sessions can offer you before you go into labor. Ideally you would schedule pre-natal sessions and apply the self-care massage routine through out your pregnancy for optimal health during your birth.


  • Strengthens uterine ligaments
  • Decreases ligament discomfort
  • Enhances optimal function and alignment of all reproductive organs
  • Supports optimal fetal alignment


  • Decreases chronic muscle tension, restores balance to overstretch muscles and ligaments.
  • Improves pelvic alignment, addressing sciatic and hip pain.
  • Improves sacrum mobility and alignment to facilitate an efficient birth.


  • Improves blood flow to mother and baby
  • Improves blood flow to pelvic floor muscles
  • Improves lymphatic circulation and decreases incidence of edema (swelling)


  • Releases tension in ribcage and diaphragm, making it easier to breathe more deeply
  • Reduces rib pain



  • Increases oxytocin, suppressing tension and anxiety and cultivating confidence for mother and her love for her baby
  • Supports emotional healing of past traumas



  • Helps with digestion, reducing nausea and heartburn
  • Improves absorption of nutrients
  • Improves elimination


Arvigo® Therapy helps facilitates recovery, encourages involution to occur more quickly and efficiently, supports the uterus and ligaments to return to an optimal position, and helps bring the pelvis into balance during your postpartum period.

Arvigo® Therapy and self-care massage may be resumed at 6 weeks postpartum to address the following:

  • Helps heal Diastasis Recti
  • Addresses pain from low back/sacral/coccyx injuries that can occur during birth
  • Facilitates emotional healing from surgical birth and birth trauma
  • Improves the potential for a successful VBAC
  • Aids to reducing and resolving scar tissue that may have resulted from a caesarean birth
  • Fosters healing from the inside out

If massage can induce labor, why isn’t everyone doing it? I remember learning this during one of my first pregnancy trainings. It was bold, grounded and when spoken out loud, palpably true. What you may not know is that pregnancy isn’t a major subject when a person is in massage school. Most programs have a 3 hour crash course of didactic and then the students trade massages to learn how to stack pillows for a side lying massage. The school’s agenda is to keep you safe by having therapists only use light pressure after the 1st trimester until they search out additional training later on. The schools teach us not to touch you in the first trimester just in case…….

So here I am, sitting in a continuing education class, being told that not only can I touch a pregnant woman in her first trimester, I must use pressure during prenatal massages. What could she possibly mean? And she turns to us and says, “If it is so easy to miscarry a baby, why isn’t everyone lining up at our doors, not telling us they are pregnant, and skipping the public shame of Planned Parenthood.” I am going to ask you to read that again a little differently. If it is so easy for massage to induce labor why isn’t everyone doing it?

There are a lot of similarities between what gets baby in and how baby comes out, massage is one of them. If tension in the mom is subconsciously holding the baby in when the baby naturally should be coming out, massage can relax mom enough to let go. This covers the full length of her pregnancy from conception to birth. If massage doesn’t induce a miscarriage when pregnancy is at it’s most vulnerable point, how can massage induce labor for a full term pregnancy?

Since that training in 2007, I have continued to educate myself around your childbearing year. If it is that easy for a massage to induce your labor, you wouldn’t be able to get in for one, because everyone would be doing it. Why sleep in the hospital bed all night if you could just get a massage instead? The biggest piece of advice I can share with you about how to “induce” labor is that you need to be receiving regular massage throughout your pregnancy by a qualified therapist.

As an Advanced Arvigo® Practitioner I have learned how to take that “deep tissue” experience that many trained therapists provide, and add a level of advanced therapeutic techniques that balance the abdominal and pelvic areas, bring the uterus into alignment and release the tendons and ligaments throughout the pelvis before birth. Even with the most advanced session, which can only be scheduled after 38 weeks gestation, I won’t say that I am inducing labor. Most women experience contractions on the table and one mama went into labor while receiving a Ready Set Go session, but I still won’t claim to induce labor. Why? That isn’t what I am doing. Even after spending over $25000 in education to serve you during your childbearing year, all I am doing is bringing your body into alignment and balance. This allows maximum lymph, blood and nerve flow to you and your baby, so your baby can make their own choice to move into the pelvis and signal the beginning of labor. (Yes, you heard that right; your baby is who decides when labor is going to start, not your massage therapist. You can read more about that here.)

So what makes an Arvigo® session different from any other prenatal massage? You can and will have your belly touched, your uterus, hips and pelvis assessed for alignment and your tailbone and sacrum released for mobility throughout your pregnancy. You may even experience contractions during the Ready Set Go protocol. To be clear, if I take credit for when labor starts I would also be responsible for a “failed induction” if a mom doesn’t experience contractions or labor. That is not within my scope as an Advanced Arvigo® Therapist, a massage therapist, a doula, or any other training outside of being the primary care doctor/midwife. The only person qualified to induce labor outside of the mother/baby relationship is the primary care physician or midwife.


Spoiler alert: Guess what! This same exact philosophy applies to your other natural/ alternative care providers.

Did you know that most Chiropractors don’t receive prenatal training as part of their 4 years of training. It is completely appropriate to ask them what pregnancy training they have received and it matters. You wouldn’t see a general practitioner as your “OB/GYN” why aren’t you asking the rest of us what qualifications we have. Not sure where to start? Look up Chiropractor’s trained in the Webster Technique. Even if you never need that specific appointment, you will know walking into that office that they specialize in pregnancy care. If you walk into an office and they make comments about not knowing what to do with you, or support your adjustment with a growing belly, walk out.

This same rule might apply for your physical therapist, acupuncturist (least likely), and even natural/ alternative remedies given by your midwife or doctor. Don’t be afraid to ask them why, what are the possible side effects, where did you learn this, and are you a trained professional in this area.


Danica is wonderful! She has a bag of tricks that can make your experience as peaceful and rewarding as possible.  I am so happy that I hired her as my birth doula.  Her sweet disposition and extensive knowledge about all things having to do with labor and birth prep shine through.  She used Arvigo massage to help bring on contractions after my water had broken the night before with no action.  I started having real contractions during the massage!  It was so effective and I had my baby within a few hours.  She also got down on the floor with me during contractions when they were so intense; she is your advocate and cheerleader.  I couldn’t have had a better experience with Danica.


Danica was the key to making my delivery goals a reality!! Her birth package provides great preparation, both physically and mentally. Even with a pitocin induction, she helped me birth my 8 lb 15 oz boy without use of an epidural! She has an incredible understanding of the stages of labor, and really helped get me from Point A to Point B to Point C, etc. I credit her positioning and use of Arvigo massage in assisting me to push effectively, resulting in zero perineal injury. Having her by my side was calming and empowering, and she worked very fluidly with the rest of my delivery team. Her massage skills are second to none, and I’m pretty sure the massage she gave me on post-delivery day 3 was and will be the best massage of my life. I have utmost confidence in her skill set, and would highly recommend her without reservation or hesitation!
