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Apply These 4 Secret Techniques To Improve Uterine Prolapse

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I used to get really offended at the thought that our womb was linked to hysteria, hysterical, hysterectomy, until my prolapse. Although I had experienced the “hysteria” of birth 4 times it never really connected until 30 days ago. I had never felt the complete emotional upheaval that comes from outside your brain, outside of a birth before. It was only 30 days ago that I went, Oh I get it now. This is why it’s called a hysterectomy. A healthy uterus wouldn’t need to be removed and a displaced or unhealthy uterus makes you feel like THIS!

Liability Mumbo Jumbo–

It is important that you consider your stage of reproductive health and your life style when wondering how long it takes to get your womb back in her home. It matters how far prolapsed she is, and how long she has been there.  How often are you receiving professional guidance, doing your self-care, and recognizing whether it is possible for your body to return to homeostasis. My success is not a guarantee that you can achieve the same results and as you soon will see, this blog is not intended to be an at home self-care guide but rather an inspiration to connect with a care provider near you.

After 4 pregnancies and pushing into my late 30’s (ok fine, I am 38), I still find myself treating my body like when I was a kid and the thought of my body aging seemed impossible. Well, I had a date with gravity 30 days ago and gravity won. Prolapse was something I thought only happened to other women. You know, those women who (fill in the blank).   Until I found myself at a birthday party at one of those kid’s gym places and my two youngest were not quite ready to run independent. I ended up on the trampoline tumble track for one pass, ONE PASS, and that is all it took. Down, down she (my uterus) went with the complete range of hysteria and panic that only your uterus can provide.

After extreme panic for 24 hours I put my ego aside, admitted my mishap, and reached out to my Arvigo® family for help.  I am extremely grateful that I belong to this diverse group of therapeutic practitioners and they knew just how to get me back on track. I credit their quick assistance and my stubborn persistence for my short 30 day journey back to health.  If you want to shift this work with intention be prepared to add a dose of humility and self awareness while doing ALL your homework.

Without further ado, here are the four techniques I used to bring my womb home and restore my health from a uterine prolapse.


  • The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are founded on an ancient Maya technique of abdominal massage. This technique is performed externally by gently guiding and supporting organs back into their optimal position, allowing for improved functioning for optimal health and wellness. There are amazing practitioners world wide, with three pretty awesome ones right here in the Lowcountry.  You will want to find the closest therapist near you in order to create a treatment plan that includes a foundation in Arvigo® Therapy with a customized self care protocol that might look like the next three steps.   You can search worldwide for a practitioner at
  • The Arvigo® Self Care Techniques encourage the abdominal organs into proper position and improve flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulses, and ch’ulel (energy). Proper positioning and improved flow enhance your body’s natural healing abilities and bring balance to the upper and lower abdomen. Self care techniques are for you to use in conjunction with treatments from an Arvigo practitioner.  I performed my self care guidelines twice a day with my hips elevated in order to use gravity on my side this time.
  • Yoni/Vaginal Steams, or“Bajos” (ba-hoes), as they are known in Spanish, are used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus in conjunction with the Arvigo Therapy for the treatment of numerous female symptoms.  Local colleague and friend, Abigail McClam, made an herbal blend specific to tighten and lift my uterus during my steams and created a treatment plan in addition to the self-care massage techniques I was already incorporating into my at home care plan.
  • Pelvic Binding with a faja or rebozo supports the uterus to allow the body time to repair uterine ligaments and increase circulation and nerve supply to the organs and surrounding tissues. This takes anywhere from 24 hour to 30 days.  I used one of my scarves I use with my birth doula clients, called a rebozo, whenever I was going to be on my feet a long time working.  You will need your scarf to be about 9 feet long to properly place the bind on your lower abdominal area and pelvis to support your uterus while you heal and repair.


Are you interested in learning more about the health benefits of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage® with the additional self care modalities?  Read more about my local practice at and discover international resources at  Would you like to set up an initial consultation with a therapist near you?  Search worldwide for a practitioner at